Meetings usually take place on the third Monday of the month in the Communal Hall, Tabrum Close at 19:45.
Dates of Parish Council meetings for 2025
20/1, 17/2, 24/3 (at 7pm), 19/5, 16/6, 21/7, 18/8, 15/9, 20/10, 17/11, 15/12
Parish Council meetings are open to the public, unless there is a good reason why a particular matter should be judged confidential. Each meeting begins with an ‘Open Forum’ for 15 minutes when anyone can come and talk about anything that is of concern to them. After that period only Councillors may speak.
The Agenda of the meeting is published at least three clear days before the meeting, and anyone can put forward matters that they would like to be discussed by contacting the Parish Clerk, or any Councillor. Any item not published on the Agenda can be discussed, but no decision can be taken on it, so it would have to be put onto the agenda for the following month before any decision could be taken.
Minutes of every meeting are taken by the Parish Clerk and approved by the Councillors as a proper record at the following meeting. The minutes are posted on village noticeboards (Stulpfield Road and High Street) for public viewing, and on the website. Anyone is entitled to receive a copy of the Minutes by contacting the Parish Clerk, John Hammond. We also publish a report of business in the Parish Magazine.
(updated 4/2/2025)