Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR)

Every year all Parish Councils submit an Annual Governance and Accountability Return for consideration by external auditors appointed by the Audit Commission on behalf of the Government.

The audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for year ending March 2024 can be viewed by clicking on the links below :


Period of Public Rights

For previous years, see the links below

You can find our AGAR for March 31st 2023 here

You can find our AGAR for March 31st 2022 here

You can find our AGAR for March 31st 2021 here

You can find our AGAR for March 31th 2020 here

You can find our AGAR for March 31st 2019 here

You can find our AGAR for March 31st 2018 here

You can find our AGAR for March 31st 2017 here

(updated 14 6 2024)