If you own land adjoining, above or with a watercourse running through it, you have certain rights and responsibilities. In legal terms you are a ‘riparian owner’. If you rent the land you should agree with the owner who should manage these rights and responsibilities. This document explains your rights and responsibilities.
Author Archives: John Hammond
Mental health referral options
1 in 4 people will experience a mental heath problem within a year. This document provides details of services to help people with mild to moderate mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. These can be used for self-referral or by health professionals.
Safeguarding adults newsletter
The newsletter is aimed not just at Adult Safeguarding Leads, but all people who work with or support vulnerable adults, including family carers and those people who use services. It provides updates and information about current topics relating to Safeguarding Adults, The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Standards.
Grantchester mysteries broadcast
The first episode of “Grantchester” based on James Runcie’s “Grantchester Mysteries” will be broadcast on Monday, 6th October at 9pm on ITV. Please click here for further details.
Village apple pressing
This will be at 2:30pm on Sunday, 19th October at North End House, Broadway by kind invitation of Adrian and Jane Frost. All are welcome, with or without apples. Please bring bottles for juice. Please call Liz Neville on 846631 if you have any questions. Please click here for more details and photos of this annual activity.
Village harvest supper
All are invited to a sumptuous meal in the Village Hall at 7:30pm on Friday, 10th October with a buffet main course, followed by homemade desserts. Tickets are £6 per adult and £4 per child under 12. All proceeds will go to Fine Cell Work, a social enterprise that trains prisoners in paid, skilled, creative needlework undertaken in the long hours spent in their cells to foster hope, discipline and self-esteem. Please contact Hazel Offord 844762 or Liz.neville <at> btconnect.com for tickets.
New Grantchester village booklet
Christine Jennings has put many of her beautiful photographs of the village into a new, 24 page long booklet called “Grantchester”. Copies can be obtained by emailing Christine: christinejennings <at> btinternet.com and cost £4.
The cricket club annual fun runs
The 10k and 3k events took place on Sunday 5th October in beautiful conditions, raising money for both the Grantchester Cricket Club and the village team raising money for upgrading the Grantchester to Barton path.
The village fete
The fete took place on Saturday, 6th September, had good weather and raised £1,271 despite charging pocket money prices for traditional games, cream teas and cakes.
Ukulelefest on Saturday, 19th July from 7pm
All are welcome to an evening of ukulele music in the grounds of Riversdale, 50 Mill Way, CB3 9NB. Tickets on the door are £6 for adults or two for £10, concessions £3. Funds will go to Against Malaria, a charity distributing bednets to prevent illness and death from malaria. Every £6 entrance fee will buy protection for 6 people on average.
Parking (chargeable) is available opposite Riversdale in the Orchard Tea Gardens from 6:30pm.