Kingswood Proposal

By clicking the above download button you will be able to see the full “Kingswood” proposal created by the Kingswood Steering Group. This is a project in its very early stages to create a new woodland running from Broadway in Grantchester up to Newnham.

The next step for this proposal, which comes from environmentally interested residents in Newnham and Grantchester, is to get approval at least in principle from the landowner, King’s College. Because the bulk of the project lies within the parish of Grantchester, King’s College have asked the Kingswood Steering Group to secure the support of Grantchester Parish Council before they will consider it.

We (the Parish Council) have benefitted from a presentation on this project, but we want to hear from you, our fellow villagers, as it will have significant impact on our local environment and people may have different views on whether that is for better or for worse (or both!). We are grateful to King’s College for asking the steering group to seek the Parish Council’s approval, but please be aware that even if that is given, there is no guarantee that King’s would then be happy to proceed – our approval is necessary, but very far from sufficient.

There are unquestionably environmental benefits to these proposals, but also impacts on historic views and the overall feeling of our village and its surroundings. Please let us have your thoughts on the two options presented, and any other reactions you have to this potential development. We will discuss all your responses in the parish council and feed back what we hope will be a fair response from the village to the Kingswood Steering Group.

You can email your thoughts to our clerk, Anne Rudge, ideally along these lines:

_________      I approve of both Options in this set of Proposals

_________      I only approve of Option One of these Proposals

_________      I only approve of Option Two of these Proposals

_________      I do not approve of either Option in these Proposals

_________      I would be happy with the proposals if amended as suggested below…..

Further to the full proposal, there is also a summary of the proposal and a photographic survey that may be of interest