Category Archives: Posts

Getting Into Teaching Event

Due to an ongoing teacher shortage, Teach in Cambridgeshire have, once again, organised an Initial Teacher Training event to make people more aware of all the options open to them. This event will be of use to anyone considering a career in teaching.

The ‘Getting into Teaching’ event at Anglia Ruskin University on Thursday 16th November 2017, 6-8pm. There will be a range of local provides attending offering all phases and routes such as school centred places,  PGCEs,  B.Ed or internships.

Tickets for this event can be booked by clicking on the following  link

Stay well this winter – a message from the NHS

In the past year as many of one in four residents in Cambridgeshire visited A&E when they could have used an alternative service or looked after themselves at home.


Each visit to A&E costs the local NHS £87, and that’s before any treatment is given. When you look at the figures, this costs the local NHS over £4million a year. In turn this is the equivalent cost of 677 hip replacements, or 287 liver transplants or 115 more dementia nurses.

Using A&E when you don’t need to can also have a knock-on effect to the rest of the hospital, as busy A&E departments resulted in 500 cancelled operations and procedures because a bed was no longer available, and longer waiting and referral times.

But you can help

·         Stay healthy – get a flu vaccination if you are eligible

·         Look after others – check on elderly friends, relatives and neighbours especially in spells of cold weather, help them to keep warm and have the medication they might need

·         Be prepared – get your prescriptions in early before the holidays and see your pharmacist or GP for any issues you might be putting off

·         Choose the right service – your local pharmacy can provide confidential, expert advice and treatment for a range of common illnesses and complaints, without having to wait for a GP appointment.

For help with finding local NHS services visit


Rounders – Grantchester vs Grantchester





batter uprounding the bases


The filming of Grantchester series 2 arrived in the village this week, with the usual rush of excitement, traffic and discussion of which villagers would actually attain the lofty height of “extra”.

Of course the most significant part of any television shoot is the Friday evening rounders match, and so it was this week. Though there was rumour of a Grantchester crew vs. Grantchester residents setup, the cast decided that splitting up the assembled athletes between Team Green and Team Norton would allow the crew (average age: 35) to benefit from the many years of rounders experience brought to bear by the Grantchester residents (average age: slightly higher.)

On a beautiful late summer evening many brave souls stepped into the batter’s box to face fierce bowling and might fielding and after much confusion and clanging of bases it was decided that we were all winners as none of the dogs had ended up with the ball. An honourable draw was declared.

As the game went on it was difficult to work out whether it was the hard fought contest or the canvas chairs and cold beer that commanded the most attention, but either way the evening was enjoyed by all.

Writers relaxjubilation

Brasely Bridge reopening

From the County Council’s Project Engineer:

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your patience throughout the reconstruction works of Brasley Bridge.  For your information;

We shall be looking to open the road on Friday 28th August, however, please be aware that a number of work items will not be finished (as a result of working around utility finishing work, which could not be resourced by the utility companies prior to the date).  The following activities will need to be finished after 28th August:

Re-connecting utilities from temporarily diverted routes back on to permanent routes.  There will also be associated making good of the carriageway/footways in these areas.
Removing the temporary footbridge and making good the approaches to it.
Removal of the temporary footpath to the south of the road and associated verge works/seeding in that area.
New footway construction on the south east corner.
Footway screeding on the bridge deck.

We currently understand that all of the above can be completed within single lane closures, with the exception of the temporary footbridge removal (which will require a road closure).  Osborne are planning to leave the road open over the Bank Holiday weekend and then recommence works with a lane closure in the following week.

Twilight at the museums

All are welcome to attend this event in Cambridge on Wednesday 18th February 2015 from
4.30 – 8.30pm.

It’s time to make the most of those long winter nights as museums and collections across the city open their doors for after dark fun. With thirteen venues offering an exciting range of drop-in and bookable events throughout the evening, there will be loads for families to see and explore. Why not take part in some torch-lit space exploration at the Whipple Museum; discover a world of deep sea darkness at The Polar Museum; or create some ‘Creatures of Twilight’ at the Museum of Cambridge?

The evening is all about fun and discovery and remember, the more places you visit, the more you will be able to see and do. Pick up a Twilight ‘What’s On’ guide and passport from participating venues to help you plan and record your journey.

So wrap up warm, grab a torch and get ready for adventure! More details can be found here: