There is only a limited amount of car parking in Grantchester, and the roads are very narrow, so the village can get very congested in the summer. To alleviate this, there is a seasonal Village Car Park in a field near the mill pond, just as you enter the village from Trumpington – marked on Grantchester map below (Click on image for larger version). We encourage all visitors to use it, when it is open. (Sat Nav: use post code CB3 9NB)
The car park is open on weekends between Easter and the end of September, and on the Bank Holiday Mondays. We open it on sunny days only because:
- that tends to be when there are the most cars, as visitors come to the pubs and tea-rooms, and to walk along the Meadows and round the village; and
- the parking is on a grass field, so we need it to be dry.
Because the car park opening days are dependent on the weather, it’s possible that the car park will be closed even within the specified dates.
We suggest a donation of £5 per car. All the proceeds, after costs, are used for the good of the village.
The Car Park is operated by the Parish Council. Further details: David Neville, 846631
(updated 18 4 2023)