
The Parish Council sets a ‘Precept’ each year, which goes onto the Council Tax, to pay for various items within the village. These include all repairs, maintenance and replacement of items on the Recreation Ground, maintenance and replacement of trees, maintenance of the Meadows, all verge mowing and litter picking contracts, repair and maintenance of ‘village furniture’, such as the bus shelter, benches, bins and emptying of the dog waste bins as well as village bins in general. We are also expected to put a sum towards bigger projects, especially in relation to traffic calming measures.

A Parish Council is the most local level of government, with more of an advisory role to the District Council rather than the ability to act alone. Thus the district council is required to ask for, and take into account, our opinion, and to ask the opinion of neighbours, whenever a planning application is put in, but we do not have the final decision on whether or not it is accepted. Equally we can put forward the wishes of villagers for, for example, traffic calming, and if our case is demonstrated it may be accepted, but we do not have the right to put measures in ourselves without approval.

In order to carry out our role of putting forward the views and wishes of the Villagers we need you to keep us informed of what those wishes are, so do come along to the Public Forum before the Parish Council meeting (usually every third Monday of the month) at 8pm, and talk to your Councillors about your concerns so that we can take them up.

A full list of parish council Powers and Duties is shown here.

(updated 12 8 2023)

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