Christine Jennings has put many of her beautiful photographs of the village into a new, 24 page long booklet called “Grantchester”. Copies can be obtained by emailing Christine: christinejennings <at> and cost £4.
Category Archives: Posts
The cricket club annual fun runs
The 10k and 3k events took place on Sunday 5th October in beautiful conditions, raising money for both the Grantchester Cricket Club and the village team raising money for upgrading the Grantchester to Barton path.
The village fete
The fete took place on Saturday, 6th September, had good weather and raised £1,271 despite charging pocket money prices for traditional games, cream teas and cakes.
Ukulelefest on Saturday, 19th July from 7pm
All are welcome to an evening of ukulele music in the grounds of Riversdale, 50 Mill Way, CB3 9NB. Tickets on the door are £6 for adults or two for £10, concessions £3. Funds will go to Against Malaria, a charity distributing bednets to prevent illness and death from malaria. Every £6 entrance fee will buy protection for 6 people on average.
Parking (chargeable) is available opposite Riversdale in the Orchard Tea Gardens from 6:30pm.
Tour de France event in Trumpington on 7th July
All are invited to Bike Life 2014 which will be held at Trumpington Pavilion and King George V Playing Field from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm (the race will pass along Trumpington Road, the High Street and Shelford Road about 12:25). See the Trumpington Pavilion What’s On page for information:
Hi-speed broadband has arrived!
Cabinet 4 is now live as of today 24-Jun-14 and ISPs are accepting orders for FTTC.
As a reminder this is the link to the cabinet/line checker: here
(As an aside when you run the checker you may find the speeds quoted by BT are rather conservative…)
Please come to the Village Garden Party at 3pm on 28th June!
Everyone living in the village and any guests staying with them are invited to the party in the grounds of Grape House, Coton Road (opposite Burnt Close). There will be a bouncy castle, giant Connect 4 and a glass of wine or tea as well as strawberries and cream for all. The party is free but it would be helpful if you could email margaretbarwise (at) saying how many in your family intend to come so that we can plan the catering.
Representatives from the village’s sports and social clubs, artistic community and the PCC and Parish Council will be there to explain what they do and gather your views. Jethro from Lovely Day (producers of “Grantchester”) will be there to discuss how the filming is going and there’ll be an opportunity to suggest how you feel the money donated to the village should be spent.
Here are some photos from last year’s event:
Summer events from Cambridge Past, Present & Future
Guided History Walk at Coton
Wednesday 2 July – 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Join the CambridgePPF team for a guided walk around Coton and the charity’s Countryside Reserve. Learn about the village, its medieval open fields and what life would have been like for the people that lived in the area in the past. NB: This event is aimed at adults and older children. Booking is essential. Places cost £4 per person / only £3 for CambridgePPF members. Meet at the Martin Car Park on Grantchester Road. To book: or call: 01223 243830 extension 201.
Hinxton Watermill Open Day
Sunday 6 July – 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Visit this wonderful working watermill, which dates back to the Doomsday Book and is owned by CambridgePPF. Set in picturesque surroundings the mill is tucked away down a quiet lane in the pretty village of Hinxton. Price per adult £3.00 / children £1.00 (CambridgePPF members are entitled to free admission.) For more information: or call: 01223 243830 extension 201.
Insitu Theatre Group perform Canterbury Tales at The Leper Chapel
Wednesday 9 July to Saturday 12 July at 8pm (daily performances)
Following the success of last summer’s production, the Insitu Theatre Group returns to CambridgePPF’s Leper Chapel. This year talented storytellers are back to perform Chaucer’s incomparable collection of tales.
- EPIC – Two young knights fight to the death for the woman they love.
- FARCE – An old man takes a wife who’s much too young for him. With hilarious consequences!
- FABLE – A self-regarding cockerel has an ominous dream
- HORROR: Three drunken hotheads vow to find Death and destroy him.
The Leper Chapel is on Newmarket Road (Barnwell Junction), Cambridge. Ticket price: £12 per person or £10 concessions. Advance booking and further information at: or Tickets can also be purchased on the night on the door from 7:30pm onwards.
Summer Walk and Wildlife Watch at Coton Countryside Reserve
Tuesday 15 July – 6.30pm
This two and a half hour walk led by the CambridgePPF team will start from the Martin Car Park off Grantchester Road, Coton. The stroll will showcase the very best of the reserve and some of the great views on offer across to Cambridge and the surrounding countryside. Although this is a free event, donations towards the upkeep of the reserve are welcome. The charity is currently trying to fundraise for a compost toilet to be installed on site. Booking is essential so the team has an idea of numbers and can staff the event accordingly. To book: or call: 01223 243830 extension 201.
Dowsing for Iron Age sites at Wandlebury
Saturday 19 July – 11.00am to 3.00pm
Looking to learn something new? Discover how dowsing can support archaeological research and find out more about the ancient sites in and around the Gog Magog Hills. This event is run by one of CambridgePPF’s trusted partner organisations. Tickets cost £5 per person. Payment is made on the day upon arrival. Pre-booking is recommended. For more information or to book call: 07802 769386 OR email:
Creepy Crawly Discoveries (school holiday event)
Tuesday 29 July – 10am to 12:30pm
Join the CambridgePPF team to hunt for insects, creepy crawlies and small animals that live in and around the woods, fields and ponds at Wandlebury Country Park. Then it’s back to the Stable Rooms Education Centre to get creative and crafty. This event is suitable for three to five year olds. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring a drink and a snack, and dress for being outside. Booking is essential. Places cost £6.50 per child (CambridgePPF members only pay £5.00), adults free. To book email: or call: 01223 243830 extension 201.
Butterflies (school holiday event)
Wednesday 30 July – 10am to 12:30pm
Visit Wandlebury for a fascinating morning learning about nature’s most symmetrical friends – butterflies. Discover how to identify common butterflies and find out how they function and live. Then it’s back to the Stable Rooms Education Centre to get creative and crafty. This event is suitable for children eight years old and above. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring a drink and a snack, and dress for being outside. Booking is essential. Places cost £6.50 per child (CambridgePPF members only pay £5.00), adults free. To book: or call: 01223 243830 extension 201.
Insitu Theatre Group perform Ghost Stories at the Leper Chapel
Thursday 24 July to Saturday 26 July at 8:00pm (daily performances)
Mixing storytelling and song, Richard Spaul performs deliciously disturbing tales of the supernatural written by Elizabeth Bowen, Edith Wharton and Nikolai Gogol. Set in the mysterious setting of CambridgePPF’s Leper Chapel this event is not for the faint-hearted. The Leper Chapel is on Newmarket Road (Barnwell Junction), Cambridge. Performances start at 8:00pm. Tickets can be bought in advance. Price per person £12 OR £10 concessions. Tickets will also be available on the door from 7:30pm. Advance booking and further information at: or from
Clay oven course at Wandlebury Country Park
Saturday 26 July – 10.00am to 4.00pm
Spend the day learning how to build your own clay oven and experience the taste of clay oven baked mouth-watering foods. This event is run by CambridgePPF’s specialist partner Real Clay Ovens. Price per person: £96. For more information or to book:
Summer Picnic & Music Concert at Wandlebury
Sunday 27 July – 3:30pm onwards
Pack up a picnic and head to CambridgePPF’s Wandlebury Country Park for this special event in the Cambridge Summer Music Festival programme. Chill out in the grassland meadows while listening to the Panic Steel Band – whose music is guaranteed to get the whole family’s feet tapping along.
NB: This event is free to attend but CambridgePPF would appreciate a donation from attendees towards the music and the upkeep of the park. Contributions will be collected during the event. Parking at Wandlebury costs £3 per vehicle. For more information: or call: 01223 243830 extension 201.
Bourn Post Mill
Sunday 27 July – 2.00pm to 4.00pm
A chance to see inside one of the oldest mills in the country accompanied by CambridgePPF volunteers. Set in the beautiful scenery off Caxton Road this post mill is a sight to behold on any day of the year but particularly on a sunny summer afternoon. Price per adult £3.00 / children £1.00 (CambridgePPF members are entitled to free admission). For more information: or call: 01223 243830 extension 201.

Invitation to the Village Pancake Party
You are invited to the Village Pancake Party in the Village Hall on Sunday 9th March from 3.00 until 4.30 p.m. Fun and games for everybody and pancakes galore! All welcome! Tickets: £2 per adult, 50p per child. Please contact Liz Neville for tickets: or 07889 501920.